Monday, February 27, 2006

Disruptive Patterns Live set mp3


.:Liveset mp3:.

A live set by Disruptive Patterns from Milwaukee Wisconsin. This is their second Live Performance and is pretty good for a second time out.

You can visit their myspace page .:Here:.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Curtis B: 5 minute Live video


.:Curtis B Video:.

Here is a little video of Curtis B performing Live. Thanks to Professor Quack over at

Professor Quack said:
"I was out last night and snapped this of Curtis b at a club in town. He was using a sp808 a mc505 a djmixer and a mpc4000. The 4000 is like bringing a IBM enterprise server to a gig. When he turned it on the lights in the club dimmed, and two circuits blew. He had to call the power company to get a technician out to install a dedicated mpc outlet. But then mid way through setup the heat coming from that thing caused the club's fire alarm to go off, the fire dept said before a mpc4000 can be used in public it needs a safety inspection. Needless to say all he needed was to add a proper cryogenic cooling system and the show went on. Anyways here's 5 mins of Curtis b."

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

spheric lounge - electronic ambient music


spheric lounge - electronic ambient music

Spheric Lounge is a collective of artists who get together on a monthly basis in Munich at a bar and perform, share, discuss and enjoy ambient music. I have to admit that some of the music on this site is quite ethreal and very good.

Quote from the site:
[Spheric Lounge] primarily is an offer to participate! we prefer to call it a live electronic ambient project. an open circle of friends and creative people that meets several times a month to do jam sessions, parties or public gigs. what started as an electronic jam session at a bar in munich has now become a regular and well-known part of the munich music scene. improvised music, creative visuals, improvised dance and dimmed light melt into a communicative atmosphere that is unique in munich.

Details regarding how to participate and when the group meets can be found on the site.

Proxis Live Improve set


.:Proxis Live @ Global Funk Radio

This is an improve live set from artist Proxis. Unfortunatly I do not have any more information regarding the set. The link is a direct mp3 link.

The Proof Live


The Proof - Podcast Downloads

This is a link to Live music from the artist "The Proof". There are several live sets in this collection.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - Very Dance Music, Yes! - Home

0 comments Live Studio set

This is a live (studio) set from Steve Surly. The music is a a tech breakbeat and each song is cut in the mix. for individual download.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Toshio Iwai Demonstrating TENORI-ON performance hardware


.:Video Demonstration of TENORI-ON :.

Toshio Iwai, the creator of the DS musical game Elektroplankton and one of the great contemporary artists of Japan, showed in the ArtFutura Exposition a demonstration of his new musical interface project called TENORI-ON. TENORI-ON, is a touch pad live musical interface that is designed to break away from the structural ideologies of sequencers and midi. Be sure to check out the video.