.:Blip Festival:.
Well I am sorry to say I am a bit late on this one, but if you happen to live in NYC then you can still catch the last few days of this festival.
The 1st ever Blip festival is is a musical and artistic showcase that has artists ranging from musical to video and more showcasing all sorts of artwork created using modified, DIY's and retro gear. There is an absolutely huge list of artists at this festival, doing mostly chiptune music as well as video circuit benders and more. It looks to be really cool, and is being sponsored by a whole bunch of great groups, including a few of my favorite: .:8-Bit Peoples:. and .:Makezine:.
If you can be sure to check out the website for some photos and media.
THE TANK and 8BITPEOPLES are pleased to present the Blip Festival, a four-day celebration of over 30 international artists exploring the untapped potential of low-bit videogame consoles and home computers used as creative tools. Familiar devices are pushed in new directions with startling results -- Nintendo Entertainment Systems and Game Boys roaring with futuristic floor-stomping rhythms and fist-waving melody, art-damaged Sega hardware generating fluctuating and abstracted video patterns -- and that's only the beginning. An exploration of the chiptune idiom and its close relatives, the Blip Festival is the biggest and most comprehensive event in the history of the form, and will include daily workshops, art installations, and nightly music performances boasting an international roster larger and more far-reaching than any previous event of its kind. Small sounds at large scales pushed to the limit at high volumes -- the Blip Festival is an unprecedented event that is not to be missed.
Tags: Blip Festival live 8bit